Friday, May 31, 2019

Textual Analysis of Epic of Gilgamesh and Book of Genesis of the Holy B

A Textual Analysis of Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh The stories of the floods found in twain Gilgamesh and Genesis contain many striking similarities that be unavoidably beyond mere coincidence. One could surmise that both of these stories might have a basis in common historical occurrence. However, despite the fact that both of these works discuss a common topic, the portrayal of this event is quite different. Like identical twins raised in different cultures, the expressions of these works are products of their environment. The focus of this analysis is on Genesis (chapter 7) and Gilgamesh (lines 1 - 25). These two different passages will be analyzed to relate each document and how the authors arenaview shapes his account of the flood. first-class honours degree we sh all told examine the background of text so that we might understand how the culture and society had an impact on the works. The story of Gilgamesh supposedly started to take form near the year 2500 B. C., but was not written down until about 1300 B.C. The epic was passed down and developed in oral form for approximately one special K years. As a result, the story must have changed drastically from the original, until it was finally written down on Sumerian clay tablets. The Old Testament of the Bible, which includes the give-and-take of Genesis, was also passed down through oral tradition before the Hebrews wrote it down from 1000-300 B.C. Both of these documents express the religious attitudes of these people as their story of the creation of the world and of humankind unfolds. So lets look at how these two selected passages allude to the nature of the works as they each give account of the great flood that kills all of mankind. The author of Gilgamesh portrays ... ...a stupor of despair went up to heaven and even the gods were terrified and the flood, they fled to the highest heaven. This apparently shows that the society in which Gilgamesh was written had little faith i n the mogul of the gods to control their anger or their own powers. It is this lack of faith, which contributes to the morose undertones of this epic. Through analyzing passages from both works, one can see how the authors environment and worldview has helped to shape the style and climate of each text. Both texts share a common event although told through different cultures. Even more, the unique perspectives of this tale help to develop the whole standard pressure of each document. Eac author unknowingly leaks valuable insight about his time and culture into his account to be locked in time for thousands of years. Now thats something real special.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Thi PPACA: Obisoty end Tiin Prignency Privintoun Prugrems :: Prignency Assostenci Fand

Carrint stetostocs ondoceti thet on thi Unotid Stetis 4 uat uf 10 gorls woll bicumi prignent et liest unci bifuri thi egi uf 20 (Herros & Allguud, 2009, p.1314). Thos pupaletoun uf muthirs os muri lokily tu drupuat thin uthir eduliscints on thior egi gruap (Herros & Allguud, 2009, p.1314). In fect, muri then 60% uf tiins whu govi borth bifuri thi egi uf 18 woll drup uat uf hogh schuul, pattong thim et e grietir rosk uf biong ompuviroshid letir on lofi (Herros & Allguud, 2009, p.1314). Addotounelly, thi choldrin uf eduliscint muthirs eri muri lokily tu hevi cumplocetid dilovirois thet cen be tu chrunoc midocel end divilupmintel prublims (Herros & Allguud, 2009, p.1315). Woth hoghir retis uf puvirty es will es oncriesid prignency cumplocetouns, meny tiinegi muthirs mey riqaori essostenci woth ecqaorong hielth onsarenci, choldceri, end verouas uthir sirvocis. Woth thi pessong uf thi ACA, thi Dipertmint uf Hielth end Hamen Sirvocis on e pertnirshop woth thi Sicritery uf Edacetoun istebl oshid e Prignency Assostenci Fand thet dostrobatis $25 molloun ennaelly fur thi foscel yiers 2010-2019 (Buunstre, 2010, p.11). In en ettimpt tu meki ot iesy fur ixpictent muthirs tu bi ebli tu cerry thior prignencois tu tirm, thos grent prugrem pruvodis stetis woth fands, tu bi asid et thior doscritoun, fur fuar spicofoid gruaps uf ectovotois (Buunstre, 2010, p.11). Wholi thi prugrem ixtinds sirvocis tu ell prignent ur perintong wumin, meny sirvocis eri teolurid tu thi niids uf tiins end eduliscint muthirs. Forst tois mey bi dorictid tuwerds cumbetong voulinci egeonst prignent wumin thruagh fandong ontirvintoun end sucoel sirvocis tu wumin whu eri voctoms uf ontometi pertnir voulinci, sixael essealt ur stelkong eruand thi tomi uf thior prignency. (Buunstre, 2010, p.12). Sicundly, thi fands mey asid tu omplimint ectovotois fur tiinegirs thruagh hogh schuul end cummanoty cintir prugrems (Buunstre, 2010, p.11). Thordly, muniy mey bi dostrobatid tu onstotatouns uf hoghir idacetoun tu es sost stadints on eccissong hielth ceri, choldceri end e veroity uf uthir sirvocis (Buunstre, 2010, p.11). Fonelly, stetis mey asi thisi fands tu onfurm thi pabloc uf thi sirvocis eveolebli tu prignent tiins andir thi crietoun uf thi PAF (Buunstre, 2010, p.12). Fur ondovodaels wothuat ediqaeti ur eny hielth onsarenci, eccissong tomily ceri os cumplocetid (Saltz & Yuang, 2014, p.298). Addotounelly, thos leck ur cuviregi mey lied meny tu siik ceri on imirgincy cintirs es oncriesid retis then on uthir embaletury sittongs (Saltz & Yuang, 2014, p.

The Lord Of The Flies: Themes Essay -- essays research papers

The Lord of the Flies Themes     The world had witnessed the atrocities of origination War II and began toexamine the defects of their social ethics. Mans purity and innocence was gone.Mans ability to remain civilized was faltering. This channelize of attitude wasextremely evident in the literature of the age. Writers, who through the use ofclever symbolism, mocked the tragedy of mans fate. One such writer was WilliamGolding. An author who has seen the destruction of cont eradicate and despises itsinevitable return. Through the use of innocent and untainted children, Goldingillustrates how man is doomed by his own instinct. The novel is called Lord ofthe Flies, and is of extreme importance to help retrace the current wave ofrevolutionary ideas that swept the twentieth-century generation. Lord of theFlies portrays the belief of the age that man is in a constant bark between evil and light, the defects of human nature, and a philosophical pessimismthat seals t he fate of man. Goldings work are, due to their rigid structureand dash, are interpreted in many different ways. Its unique style isdifferent from the contemporary thought and therefor open for criticism.     The struggle between darkness and light is a major theme in all the kit and caboodle of William Golding. Strong examples of this are found throughout Lord ofthe Flies. The most obvious is the struggle between Ralph and diddly-squat. Thecharacters themselves have been heavily influenced by the war. Ralph is therepresentative of Democracy. Elected as the leader he and Piggy his companionkeep order and maintain a civilized government. The strength of Ralphscharacter was supported by the power of World War II. Jack, on the other hand,represents authoritarianism. He rules as a dictator and is the exact oppositeof Ralph. Jack is exemplifying the Hitlers and Mussolinis of the world. Heis what the world fears and yet follows. This struggle is born at the verybegin ning and escalates till the very end. The struggle in the book is anegative outlook on life in the future. One other example is the debate overthe existence of the beast. The idea of a beast brings all into a state ofchaotic excitement in which Ralph and Piggy lose control. Ralph and especiallyPiggy try to convince everyone that there is no such thing as a beast tomaintain order. Jack an... ...he war-paint and sticks of Jack and his     followers. He too is chasing men in order to kill, and     the dirty children mock the absurd civilized attempt to     hide the power of evil. And so when Ralph weeps for     the end of innocence, the darkness of mans heart, and     the death of his true wise friend, Piggy, he weeps for all     the human race." (Cox 164)     Such a tragic view of the future of mankind and their nature is aperfect window for people to understand how the impact of the war made the worldrethink its ethics and how life was thought of as a penalisation in the extremesense and that there was no hope for the future except fear. This view hassince changed but not greatly as one would imagine. The canonic ideas are stilltheir and modern society may still relate to this novel. The interpretation maynot be exact but from now on mankind will always weep for " the end of innocence,the darkness of mans heart, and" the most disturbing" for all the human race."

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Diversification within American Organizations Essay -- essays research

Diversification within American OrganizationsThe United States has the most diverse and multicultural population ever known to man. The symbolic metaphor the liquescent pot, strongly states that the major problem organizations face in American edict is a diverse personnel with different economical status, beliefs, and cultural background because of this, operational an organization in American society is a very complex task.For many years, researchers struggled with the concept of finding the perfect organisational structure to meet the acquire of the employee and the demands of society. However, research has consistently shown because of historical American idealism that individuals choose to interact more often with members of their own cultural groups or identity rather its sexuality, physical, race, or religious base. This type of interaction makes managing a diverse work force a major challenge for managers in the 21st century. This paper forget examine diversification fr om four important issues facing today and future American corporations Gender, Disability, Ethnicity, and Religion. The four issues are protected by Federal and State laws and levy by Federal and State courts. Since Americans are comprised of individuals from various countries, and different ethnicities many organizations have begun to embrace diversification in the workplace. Diversification within American Organizations (GENDER)The strike of organizations shows the significant differences and similarities of groups. American organizations have recognized that the composition a workforce or any organization, is beginning to reflect the composition of American society. Diversity of gender is one that is characterized by rolls of a person or persons. Research has shown that men and women are equal in terms of learning ability, memory, reasoning ability, creativity, and intelligence (Gibson, 96). whatsoever people regard issues of treatment of various employee groups, such as those based on gender, race, and sexual orientation as primarily an issue of moral fairness. Women should be given the same career opportunities as men homosexual couples should be given the same health insurance benefits as heterosexual couples. American society and culture has changed considerably on these issues over the last 150 years (when women were not allowed to vote and slavery was still practiced), and o... ...rganization. Diversity will challenge organizational leaders to make the necessary changes to develop a multicultural organization in todays diverse society that fits society demands and the organizational needs. ReferencesBolman, L.G., & hole T.E. (1997). Reframing Organizations Artistry, Choice andLeadership. Second Edition. San Francisco Jossey-Bass Inc.Braun, Carol M. (1998). Inequality Opposing Viewpoints in Social Problems. SanDiego Greenhaven Press.Capps, Walter. (1990). The new religious right piety, patriotism, and politics. South Carolina University of South C arolina Press, 119-120. Clutterbuck, David (1981). How to be a grave corporate citizen A managers guide tomaking social responsibility work & pay. McGraw Hill Company. Oxford Press, 26-86. Cox, T. (1991). The Multicultural Organization. Academy of Management Executive, 5,34-37.Gender in the Workplace. (n.d.) Retrieved June 3, 2002 from http//, J.L.,Ivancevich, J.M., Donnelly, J.H. (2000) Organizaions Behavior Structure

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Male/Female Addiction Essay -- Soap Operas Wrestling Media Essays

The Male/Female AddictionI know what you be all sentiment, but no Im not writing about sex. Actually, my subject is far from it. Ever since I was a young lad my mother forced me to watch Guiding Light, a classic soap opera currently in its thirty-eighth season. Then one day I saw some men, or should I feel out finely tuned athletic machines, running around the squared circle literally beating the crap out of each other. I had discovered my newfound love, the orbit Wrestling Federation, more(prenominal) commonly know as the WWF. I throw off fond memories of lying on my bed on Sunday morning thinking of ways to convince my mother that I was sick so I could stay home from church and watch wrestling. Needless to say, wrestling may have dominated my life, but Guiding Light still had a grasp on a corner of my heart. Professional wrestling is the male equivalency of female-orientated soap operas. twain professional wrestling and soap operas share interchangeable plot constructions b y forming groups of family and/or friends that share the longing to reach a particular goal by one-upping their enemies. On Guiding Light, parallel groups consisting of the Spauldings and the Lewises are constantly plotting to undermine and thereby eliminate the other from being the cities number one power. Both families consider themselves to be far superior to each other and are constantly wrestling, no pun intended, for the most power and control over Springfield. The Spalding mansion looms elegantly on the hill, its stark white pillars framing the very confines of its vast contents. The manicured green lawn and professionally landscaped grounds helps to prepare the caller for the pretentious, cavalier attitude of its occupants. suggest of old money, they are raised by nannies... ...he same goes for professional wrestling and its core characters. In an apparent effort to mirror real life, the classic horror characters tend not to change their spots and the upstanding, integrit y-based citizens of the community are expected to attempt to persevere against this predictable, on going onslaught of assailants. Ultimately, once all of the elements are explored it is easy to see that soap operas and professional wrestling have much more in common than meets the eye. Soap Operas and professional wrestling share similar plot constructions, qualifications for actors, fan bases, and are easily picked up when you miss an episode. This is why professional wrestling is the male equivalency to female-oriented soap operas.I would like to see a more sophisticated reiteration of this claim of fact. At lease an attempt to find different words would be helpful.

The Male/Female Addiction Essay -- Soap Operas Wrestling Media Essays

The Male/Fe staminate AddictionI know what you are tout ensemble thinking, but no Im not writing about sex. Actually, my subject is far from it. Ever since I was a young lad my mother forced me to condition Guiding Light, a classic soap opera currently in its thirty-eighth season. Then one day I saw some men, or should I say finely tuned athletic machines, running around the squared circle literally beating the crap out of each other. I had spy my newfound love, the World Wrestling Federation, more commonly know as the WWF. I have fond memories of lying on my bed on sunlight morning thinking of ways to convince my mother that I was sick so I could stay home from church and watch grapple. Needless to say, clamshell may have dominated my life, but Guiding Light still had a grasp on a corner of my heart. Professional wrestling is the male equivalency of female-orientated soap operas. some(prenominal) professional wrestling and soap operas share similar plot constructions by formi ng groups of family and/or friends that share the longing to reach a item goal by one-upping their enemies. On Guiding Light, parallel groups consisting of the Spauldings and the Lewises are constantly plotting to undermine and thereby eliminate the other from being the cities number one power. Both families consider themselves to be far superior to each other and are constantly wrestling, no pun intended, for the most power and control over Springfield. The Spalding abode looms elegantly on the hill, its stark white pillars framing the very confines of its vast contents. The manicured green lawn and professionally landscaped grounds helps to prepare the caller for the pretentious, cavalier attitude of its occupants. Reeking of old money, they are raised by nannies... ...he same goes for professional wrestling and its core characters. In an apparent effort to mirror very life, the classic evil characters tend not to change their spots and the upstanding, integrity-based citizen s of the community are expected to attempt to persevere against this predictable, on going onslaught of assailants. Ultimately, formerly all of the elements are explored it is easy to escort that soap operas and professional wrestling have much more in common than meets the eye. Soap Operas and professional wrestling share similar plot constructions, qualifications for actors, fan bases, and are easily picked up when you miss an episode. This is why professional wrestling is the male equivalency to female-oriented soap operas.I would like to see a more sophisticated reiteration of this claim of fact. At lease an attempt to find different words would be helpful.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Case Study †Catfish Dispute

The Vietnamese catfish importers are enjoying the fruits of our work, This was the main discontent of the domestic (US) catfish industry. Undoubtedly, the catfish farmers had put a lot of effort in up(a) the aquaculture technology to raise the catfish with better quality thus, raised the demand of domestic market. At the same time, they had invested about US$50 million in the industrys marketing. When catfish became the third favorite seafood of the American, leading to a total consumption of 275 million kilograms in 2000, it inevitably attracted people to get in the market.However, based on the fact that the US Congress had approved the U. S. -Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) with a reduction in tariff, it was the right for American importers to attempt the new business importing Vietnamese catfish. The agreement was approved by the Congress due to the important reason the trade benefits. To capture these benefits, they had to undertake the manageable risks. Indeed, it wa s a fair game played by both parties. From the article, it was clear that one of the sources of discontent from domestic farmers was the quality considerations difference between the American-grew and Vietnam-grew catfish.The quality of US catfish is justified by the inspection of 17 federal agencies and can meet the standard of the Catfish Institute of America, whereas the Vietnamese catfish only quest to pass the Food and Drug Administrations approval. This preferential practice should not sustain. The authority should consider standardize the quality requirement of both places catfish, for example, hold it compulsory for Vietnamese catfish products to undergo the same inspections as the US catfish. Or at least, ask for proof of quality issued by Vietnamese organization for all imported catfish.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Art Tatum Essay

From the time Tatum was born(p) on Oct. 13, 1909 in Toledo, Ohio, he was destined for revolutionizing jazz. He was born with a concealment eye and the other partially blind, scarce his ears were his way of seeing the world. He could sit down and crop the same music meant for cardinal communicates. He was unbeatable at any piano competition. His influence on jazz will be forever respected by jazz pianists (and non-pianists) worldwide.As a child, dodge received a little formal training for piano at Toledo School of Music, but he mainly just taught himself. By the age of 18, he was already playing for radio broadcasts and even had his own show at one point. By age 24, he wrote and released Tiger Rag, a song fully equipped with fast beats, incredibly technological rhythms, and the need for skill. As he continued in his musical career, his articulation, style, and individuality only got better.Art changed the entire face of jazz music. He helped lead the next generation into the b ebop era. He was the musician that started to change the chord progressions, fingered with the harmonics, and tried vernal inversions of different chords (to get a more jazzy sound). Tatum was able to use his classical background and his jazzy style to create his own type of music. It was technical and complex, but still full of the freestyle that jazz so easily expresses. He used his left-handedness to create extreme bass parts and his right hand to create beautiful runs up and down the entire piano.Art had incredible ears. Although he was nearly blind in one eye and completely blind in the other, he could see perfectly when it came to music. It was give tongue to that Tatum could find the dominant note in a flushing toilet. He had incredible pitch, so he knew scarce which notes would sound perfect with the others. In regard to his piano, they called him, God because he was so good. Tatum never stopped playing piano. It was his life. As one man said, Tatum played so brilliantly and so muchthat I thought the piano was gonna break. My mother left the roomso I said Whats wrong, Mama? And she said Oh, that man plays too much piano.Even extremely critical people would compliment him for his piano skills. Whenever he ever entered a competition for piano, he never lost. Arts style of music was not the simple, easy music that anybody could play. His technique was mastered. He had the most intricate ornamentation in every controversy of a song he played. Not only that, but he didnt even seem like he was trying. As he pounded away(p) at the keys, it didnt seem like pounding but more floating. It seemed so effortless to him. Hank Jones said, When I finally met him and got a chance to hear him play in person, it seemed as if he wasnt really exerting much effort, he had an effortless way of playing.It was deceptive. Youd watch him and you couldnt believe what was coming out, what was comer your ears. He didnt have that much motion at the piano. He didnt make a big s how of moving around and gesture his hands and going through all sorts of physical gyrations to produce the music that he produced, so that in itself is amazing. There had to be intense concentration there, but you couldnt tell by just looking at him play. Tatum was revolutionary. He led future jazz musicians into the next era of jazz. He had the skill and the genius of a genius, and for that, he will never be forgotten.Resourceshttp//

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Do Aliens exists Essay

Many mess think that aliens exist, but others do not agree. We live in a world in which everything is possible. As far as I go through, according to the statistics, the public in general tend to believe that the aliens do exist. As for me I tend to consider that the aliens really exist. Let us start by considering the facts. First and foremost, almost every day we watch TV and it is absolutely figure when channels transmits the program nigh the Unidentified Flying Object. I think if television transmits such programs, it means that these facts are scientifically proven and then people can choose whether believe in it or not. To draw the conclusion, one can say that something really exist.There are a great summate of facts of the UFO existence in books, the Internet and TV programs. So its up to everybody to decide whether to believe in it or not. I think that in future people and the aliens will even be able to cooperate with each other and make new discoveries. Not an encounte r with aliens, no. Ive seen a UFO, about 120 miles north of Toronto, over Lake Muskoka, where I have a cottage, he admitted. Hellyer said he and his wife had been looking at the stars when they descry a UFO.We watched it until our necks almost broke for about 20 minutes, and it was definitely a UFO because it could change position in the sky by three or four degrees in three or four seconds, he said.Hellyer went on to say that when he was minister, he received plenty of sighting reports, though about 80 percent of them were sights of Venus or of plasma or a dozen other things.But there were 15 percent or 20 percent for which there was no explanation, and they were the genuine unidentified flying objects, he added.Hellyer said hes hopeful someone will crack the plate and share their findings with the world that aliens do exist. Theres just so much evidence, if anybody will take time off to do a small(a) bit of research andstudyTheres just a lot of information out there and it doe snt take very broad to get your hands on it.Lots of people believe in extraterrestrial life forms, but not many can give particular details about what they look like and where theyre living. But thats just what Paul Hellyer, the now-90-year-old former defense minister of Canada, did in his recent consultation with Russia Today, claiming there are 80 different species of alien life, from places like Andromeda, Pleiades and Zeta Reticuli, and some look just like us.The latest reports that Ive been getting from various sources are that there are about 80 different species and some of them look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldnt know if you walked past one, said Hellyer, who served during the Cold War, who went public with his theories on extraterrestrial life in 2005, The National Post reported. They are what we call Nordic Blondes and also the statuesque Whites who were actually working with the U.S. air force in Nevada. Theyre able to get away with t hat they had a couple of their ladies dressed as nuns go into Las Vegas to fail and they werent detected. Then theres the Short Greys as they are called, and they are the ones you see in most of the cartoons, they have very slim weaponry and legs, they are very short, just a little over 5 feet, and they have a great big head and great big brown eyes. But there are different species and you have to know that they are different species and know that they all are different. If you saw the Short Greys, youd sure know theres something up that youve never seen before, but if you saw one of the Nordic Blondes, youd probably say, I wonder if shes from Denmark or somewhere.But fear not Hellyer said most of the aliens who have been visiting our planet for thousands of years are benign and benevolent, and they do want to help us, but there may be one or two species which do not.However, he does believe that these species, who have a long history he said he knows of 50 reports of UFOs during the Cold War are concerned about unconventional warfare.Since we invented the atomic bomb and they are very concerned about that and the fact that we major power use it again, and because the Cosmos is a unity and it affects not just us but other people in the Cosmos, they are very much appalled that we might be stupid enough to start using atomic weapons again, and this would be very bad for us and for them as well, he said.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Computer Ethics, Privacy

* computing machine Ethics * Are the moral guidelines that govern the use of figurers and information systems. Information Accuracy * Information true statement today is concern because many users access information maintained by other people or companies, such as on the cyberspace. * Do non assume that because the information is on the web that is localize * Users should evaluate the value of the web page before relying on its content. Intellectual prop rights* Intellectual property (IP) refers to unique and original works such as ideas, inventions, art, processes, company and ware names and logos. IP are the right to which creators are entitled for their work. * Copyright * Gives authors and artists pocket rights to duplicate, publish and sell their materials. A copyright protects any tangible form of expression. * Piracy is the common infringement of copyright. Information Privacy * refers to the right of individuals and companies to deny or restrict the collection and use of information astir(predicate) them. How to safeguard individualised information 1. Fill in only necessary information on rebate, guarantee and registration forms. 2.Do non preprint your headphone subroutine or social security number on personal checks. 3. Have an unlisted or unpublished telephone number. 4. If caller ID is available in your area, find out how to block your number from displaying on the receivers system. 5. Do not write your telephone number on charge or credit receipts. 6. Ask merchants not to write credit card numbers, telephone numbers, social security numbers and drivers license numbers on the back of your personal checks. 7. Purchase goods with cash, rather than credit or checks.8. Avoid shopping club and buyer cards. . If merchants ask personal questions, find out why they want to know before releasing the information. 10. Inform merchants that you do not want them to distribute your personal information. 11. Request in writing, to be removed from mail ing lists. 12. Obtain your credit report once a year from each of the three major credit reporting agencies and correct any errors. 13. Request a free copy of your medical records once a year from the medical Information Bureau. 14. Limit the amount of information you endure to web sites. Fill in only required information. 15.Install a cookie manager to filter cookies. 16. Clear your history file when you are finished browsing. 17. tick off up a free mail account. Use this e-mail address for merchant forms. 18. Turn off file and computer sharing on your internet connection. 19. Install a personal firewall. 20. Sign-up for e-mail filtering by dint of your internet service provider or use an anti-spam program such as Brightmail. 21. Do not reply to spam for any reason. 22. Surf the web anonymously with a program such as freedom web secure or through an anonymous web site such as anonymizer. om Electronic Profiles * When you fill out a form such as a magazine subscription, product w arranty registration card, or contest entry form the merchant that usually enters it into a database. Likewise, every time you click an advertizing on the network or register software online ,your information and preferences enter a database. * Cookies E-commerce and other Web applications often rely on cookies to identify users.Cookie files typically contain data about you, such as your user name or viewing references. Spyware and Adware Spyware is a program placed on a computer without the users knowledge that secretly collects information about the user. * Spyware can enter a computer as a virus or as a closure of a user installing a new program. * Spyware program communicates information it collects to some outside source while you are online. * Adware is a program that displays an online advertisement in a banner or pop-out window on Web pages, e-mail messages or other internet services. Phishing * Phishing is a scam in which a perpetrator sends an official looking e-mail mes sages that attempts to obtain your personal and pecuniary information.Pharming is a scam similar to phishing where a perpetrator attempts to obtain your personal and financial information, except they do so via spoofing. Spam * Spam is an unsolicited e-mail messages or newsgroup posting sent to multiple recipients or newsgroups at once. * Spam is net junk mail * The content of spam ranges from selling a product or service, to promoting a business opportunity, to advertising offensive material. Privacy Laws * The concern about privacy has led to the enactment of federal and state laws regarding the storage and disclosure of personal data. refers to the laws which deal with the regulation of personal information about individuals which can be collected by governments and other public as well as private organizations and its storage and use.Social Engineering * Defined as gaining unauthorized access or obtaining confidential information by taking advantage of the trusting human natu re of some victims and the naivety of others. * Some social engineers trick their victims into revealing confidential information such as usernames and passwords on telephones, in person or on the Internet. Employee Monitoring Involves the use of computers to observe, record and review an employees use of computer, including communication such as e-mail messages, keyboard activity and Web sites visited. Content filtering * Is the process of restricting access to certain material on the web. * Content filtering opponents argue that forbidding any materials violates constitutional guarantees of free speech and personal rights.* Web filtering software is a program that restricts access to specified Web sites. Computer Forensics * Also called digital forensics, network forensics or cyber forensics. Is the discovery, collection and analysis of evidence found on computers and networks. * Forensic analysis, involves the examination of computer media, programs, data and log files on compu ters, servers, and networks. Health Concerns of Computer Use Computer health risks * Repetitive strain Injury (RSI) * is an injury or disorder of the muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments and joints. * Computer relate RSIs include tendonitis and carpal dig syndrome. * Tendonitis Is inflammation of tendon due to some repeated motion or stress on that tendon. * Carpal Tunnel syndromeIn inflammation of the nerve that connects the gird to the palm of the wrists. * Computer Vision syndrome * You may have CVS if you have sore, tired, burning, itching or dry eyes, blurred or double mint, distance blurred vision after prolonged staring at a display device, headache or sore neck, difficulty shifting focus between device and documents. biotech and Workplace Design * Ergonomics * Is an applied science devoting to incorporating comfort, efficiency, and safety into the design of items in the workplace. * Workplace design * has a profound impact on the productiveness of workers.Making the best use of space through optimum placement of equipment, integrating the human factor into workplace design, and effectively aligning the workplace into the surrounding surround are important aspects of ergonomics. * The workplace design should aim to propagate intuition, teamwork, and more importantly, provide a safe and comfortable environment. Computer Addiction * Occurs when the computer consumes mortals entire social life. Computer addiction is a growing health problem. * Symptoms of a user with computer addiction include the following* Craves computer time * Overjoyed when at the computer Unable to stop computer activity * Irritable when not at the computer * Neglects family and friends * Problems at work and teach * Computer addiction is a treatable illness through therapy and support groups. Green Computing * Involves reducing the electricity and environmental waste while using a computer. * Green computing is the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resour ces. Such practices include the implementation of energy-efficient central processing units (CPUs), servers and peripherals as well as decreased resource consumption and proper disposal of electronic waste (e-waste).

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Discuss the writers use of the supernatural Essay

The two stories resemble each other with the idea they communicate with the reader, that people should nonice the supernatural. In the Withered Arm, Thomas Hardy develops why we should fear and respect the supernatural by showing that by mocking Gertrude ab reveal her medicines and counter curses, sodbuster Lodge ended up with a dead password and a dead wife. He also ended up selling all his fine-tune because he could not endure staying in the village with everyone gossiping about him. Also by keeping the tempo of the story fast and building up to all the supernatural events keeps us tense.In the putters hired hand, Sergeant Major Morris warns the White family about the consequences of the wishes the paw grants. However the White family do not film heed of the warning and take advantage of the paw and in doing so, they end up with their son dead, Mrs. White acting senselessly to try and pick out back her son and Mr. White having to wish his son back to the grave. The author i s trying to tell us that if you do not respect the supernatural and take advantage of it, you will flavour its wrath. The two stories are alike in other ways. Both stories involve young innocent people suffering.In the Monkeys bridge player Herbert died for his familys foolishness. Whilst in the Withered Arm it was Rhodas and Farmer Lodges son that was innocently sent to the gallows. Another parity is that people that were selfish earlier on in the stories are punished in the end. Mr. White is self-seeking at the start of the Monkeys Paw and does not take Sergeant Major Morris advice and his son dies as a result. In the Withered Arm Farmer Lodge is punished for his negligence shown to his son and his failure to accept the responsibility for his son. The consequence for this is the eventual hanging of his only son.Also both stories have ironic twists. In the Monkeys Paw the family wishes for two hundred pounds and after the money doesnt appear straight away, Herbert says Well I do nt see the money, and I bet I never shall. The wish eventually does come true and the money is handed over to the family but only as an insurance payout for Herberts death at the factory. So the irony is that Herbert will never actually see the money. In the Withered Arm the ironic twist is that when Gertrude was waiting for a hanging she got so desperate that she used to pray for a hanging O Lord, hang some guilty or innocent person soon It turned out her prayers were answered but the man seen to be in the wrong turned out to be Farmer Lodges and Rhoda Brooks son but it seemed the boy was wrongfully supercharged with arson. At the hanging, Farmer Lodge and Rhoda were present in the crowd and once Gertrude had realized the hung man must be their son, she entered a sense of shock. This proved similarly much for her and she died. The irony is that she prayed for a man to be hung, so that she could cure herself but the man in the end was her husbands son and this did the face-to-fa ce of curing her and the shock of it all ended her life.In conclusion, the writers use the supernatural to show the reader that if you ridicule the supernatural, it will backfire on you and you will feel the consequences greatly. Also they try and make you scared of the supernatural by making the paranormal events happen to normal people. Meaning it could have been you instead.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Langston Hughes and Leonardo Da Vinci Essay

My paper is about Langston Hughes and da Vinci Da Vinci and how they have an center on their readers and their positive aspects on life. Leonardo Da Vinci was born in 1452 in a town named Vinci in Italy. He was a renaissance puma and he painted realistically, he used light and dark tinges in his paintings. In his paintings he painted figures without outlining them. He used a title called chiaroscuro and he used light and shadow to give his pictures a 3-D effect. He painted different types of moods in his paintings. Leonardo Da Vinci most noteworthy painting was the Mona Lisa painting. He started the painting in the year 1503. The painting was thought to be a woman name Lisa Gherardini, wife of a Florentine stuff merchant name Francesco Del Giocondo. They also said the reason for her smile was because she was pregnant. During the 1485 to 1490 Leonardo da Vinci was a renaissance painter.The duke from his time kept him busy painting pictures and sculpting and design elaborate cou rt festivals. He started to study things like nature, flying machines, geometry, mechanics, municipal construction, etc. In this time period most of his studies contained advanced weapons such as a tank and other war vehicles. Between 1490 and 1495 he developed a study in meticulously illustrated notebooks. His worked covered four main themes such as paintings, architecture, the elements of mechanics, and human anatomy. There was an invasion by French and Ludovico Sforza and that left Leonardo to search for a new patron. For the next 16 years Leonardo worked and traveled through Italy for a number of employers. Leonardo was important because he came up with ideas of inventions like flying machines and underwater breathing devices.He also was change in fields like arts math science. He was an inventor, artist, and scientist who studied nature of the renaissance. His most famous painting the Mona Lisa made him very famous and it was whizz of the best paintings in his time. His geog raphical background didnt really influence his work. It was mostly nature, flying machines, geometry, mechanics, municipal construction, and etc. He used nature in his art and things that he found interesting to him he would use it and put it in his paintings. For example his Mona Lisa painting was inspired by a female that he knew. One of his famous paintings was The Last Supper. The painting was started on 1508 and was done in the year 1549. This painting got a lot of recognition when it was painted. It was a picture of savior with his twelve apostles eating.This is a very famous painting it is used throughout the world and it is held in churches which symbolizes The Last Supper. The last painting Im expiration to talk about is the Virgin of the Rocks. This painting was also recognized as a very famous painting. It was started in 1483 and finished in 1486. The painting shows a picture of angels playing a musical instrument which is believed to have been part of the composition t hat was set into altarpieces. Langston Hughes was an African American poet during the Harlem Renaissance. He was born February 1, 1902 in Joplin, molybdenum and died on May 22, 1967. He was one of the creators of the new literary art form called Jazz poetry. His poetry and books showed the lives of the working class blacks in America and thither struggles.One of his main guide ons was Race, Hughes tried to get across to the people and show them that Black is beautiful, fearless, and strong. He was a black writer during the time blackness wasnt accepted. In his work he confronted racial stereotypes through poetry and his books. All Hughes wanted was for his readers to read his work and start to feel good about themselves and the color of their skin and to know that they atomic number 18 strong and full with courage. I think the main part about race Hughes wanted to get across in his work is that Black Is Beautiful. Another point he was act to get across in his work is Social Clas s. Social Class meaning the route blacks were living compared to the way Caucasians were living during the Harlem renaissance. In Hughess books he wanted to show or get across the real lives of blacks in the lower class. to the highest degree of his poetry and stories showed the lives of the working class blacks in America, and there struggle. Hughes his self-protested with blacks of the lower class social conditions to show that he to understand the struggle and hard times they are going through. They began to call Hughes a peoples poet, because how he helped the people through his writers work and hands on work in the community. The last point his work was based upon was equality. He always felt that no matter what race you are that we all should be treated equal. He believed that chances that a Caucasian person should get another ethnicity should get the same opportunity.He feels if everyone is treated equal that the world would be a better place. These are the three points tha t Langston was trying to get across in his readings. He talked about race, social class and, equality. He mainly focused on them three points in his writings so he could send his message to his readers who read his poems. Both Langston Hughes and Leonardo da Vinci were renaissance men.They both were very famous poets during their time and still are organism talked about throughout the world. They both gave a good aspect on life and both of their work was positive towards their readers. Langston Hughes talked about how all people should be treated the same no matter what race you are. Leonardo Da Vinci drew painting such as the The Last Supper which is a painting of when saviour had the last supper with his twelve disciples and he announces that one of them betrayed him.ReferencesBiographyLeonardo Da Vinci. (1996). Bio True story .Retrieved from www.biography .com BiographyLangston Hughes. (1996). Bio True story. Retrieved from

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Adolesence Psychology Essay

The most critical stage in a life of a some peerless is in the period of adolesence. It is a specifically turbulent as well as a dynamic period of any persons life. It is also a period of strorm and stress characterized by moodiness, inner tormoil and rebellion. This is a period of transision from kidhood to adulthood. This transition involves biological, social, and psychological changes, though the biological ones ar the easiest to measure objectively.Adolescence is a modern cultural and social phenomenon and therefore its endpoints are not easily tied to physical milestones .The time is identified with dramatic changes in the body, along with developments in a persons psychology and academic career. In the onset of adolescence, children usually complete elementary school and enter secondary education, such as middle school or high school. During this period, the young develops to sexual maturity and establishes an identity as an individual. Their sense of identity develops gra dually out of the various realization of childhood.The adolescent is newly concerned with how they appear to others. Ego identity is the accrued confidence that the inner sameness and continuity prepared in the past are matched by the sameness and continuity of ones meaning for others, as evidenced in the promise of a career. The inability to settle on a school or occupational identity is disturbing.A major task confronting the adolescent is to develop a sense of individual identity, to find answers to the questions Who am I and where am I going . The process also involves feelings about self-worth and competence. Although development of sel-concept starts in early childhood and continues throughout the lifespan.Searching of the unique identity is one of the problems that adolesence often face. Some, but not all, teenager often challenge the authority or the rules as a way to establish their individuality. There is also a probability of drugs and alcohol use, or mental health dis r oam, eating disorders and depression.Historically this stage of development began much later, sometime between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, which allowed the child to mentally and emotionally mature more and brought them closer to the age of consent before reaching this physical and emotionally challengingPhysical maturation resulting from puberty leads to an occupy in sexual activities sometimes leading to teenage pregnancy. Since teens may not be emotionally or mentally mature enough or financially able to support children, sexual activity among adolescents is problematic.Given the emotional immaturity of adolescents, many countries consider those under a certain age to be as well as young to engage in and other sexual activities, even if they are physiologically capable.Family conflict is more common during adolesence than during other period of development. Puberty appears to scat a central role in initiating this conflict. Adolesence of both sexes have significantly mo re conflicts with their mothers than with their fathers. Probably because mothers are more involve in regulating the commonplace details of family life. Parents are often torn between the necessity of maintaining the family system and allowing their child increasing jurisdiction over his or her behavior. Childhood even with integral families is never troubled free. The fact that the most valuable emotionla structure in the childhoods life is the parents marriage. Ends in yieldure becomes forever embeded in that childs history.It can not be denied that fathers are very important in the family. Without a father there is no family. The absence of the father perhaps associated with some undesirable behavior of the children. Among wihich are poor school performance,poor relationships with peer, problems with impulse control, rebellious and other adjustment difficulties.It is like the case of a 16 class old girl whose parents are divorce. She displayed undesirable behavior like rebe llious, trouble in school and she desires male attention. Adolesence are in the process of affirming up their identity. They indigence both parents to affirm them in developing womanliness and how to relate to other people of the opposite sex.Childhood, even with intact families is never troubled-free. The fact that the most important emotional structure in the childs life is the parents marriage ends in failure becomes forever embeded in that childs history. Being a child of devorce, there is a need of several therapy. A joint therapy of parents is also needed to understand the need to work together for the children.In order to pass from childhood to adulthood the adolesence must solve a number of problems. He must develop heterosexual interest, become free from home supervision, operate new emotional and social adjustments to reality. They should evolve a philosophy of life, achieve economic and intellectual independence and learn how to use their leisure time profitably. If the y fail of these any achievements, he fails to gain full maturity. Because adolesence are caught between two worlds, one of the dependence, the other of the responsibility. They would like the power to decide for themselves, but are not certain they want to increased responsibility that accompanies adulthood.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Contexts for Contemporary Business Paper

It is by helping to bring in these public advantages that vices ultimately lead to good. Madeleine writes, Private vices may be made public benefits through skillful management by a wise politician (ibid. , book 1, p. 169). Certainly one could argue that the precise nature of the human condition is that we entirely atomic number 18 struck by sin and it is through this sin that things like greed, avarice, and insatiability arise and manifest themselves in the form of Emcees.Are on that point any differences in the degrees to which vice and greed that pop offred during Mandibles generation were committed versus ice and greed committed by members of present day societies? Does Mandibles vision regarding the concept of vice and the way it helped to produce public benefits at the enactment of the 17th century in England, still hold true in our modern-day, glob onlyy oriented company? I train that societal vice in the context of a modern-day, worldwide scale thriftiness is ac tually such(prenominal) much harmful and injurious to societies, and to world economies as a upstanding, than it is advantageous.I in addition propose that present day vice, greed, and corruption executed in the fiscal world by politicians, dockworkers, bankers, and other beta members of fiat in positions of power ar now up to(p) to be performed and executed on a much prominentr and more than(prenominal) poisonous level than Madeleine probably ever dreamt of. The vice and greed of the trustors and the all(prenominal)day citizens be detrimental because their actions help fuel the much longr system as a whole. In essence, all investors have the vice of greed and the reason they invest is to improve their financial condition and situation.While there ar many an(prenominal) hardworking people who prudently and cautiously invest their money, here are besides similar people who blindly and speculatively invest their money in the hopes of reservation exorbitant profit s. I liken both groups of individuals to people who are working in the basement of an extravagant mansion, throwing logs into a large netside. The mansion could be compared to the global financial machine throughout the world and the people throwing the logs into the fire are the small investors in this great machine. Some invest a few logs into the fire while others invest more logs.Both have the desire and greed to get warm, gain wealth, and improve their financial condition. In Mandibles day, up to now though every member of society had greed and vice in them, the financial fireplace of this large mansion was much smaller and non as interconnected with other financial mansions, as in a contemporary, globally connected world. The real problem arises when the bankers and stockbrokers who are working at higher levels of the mansion, return the benefits of the hard work that has occurred in the basement, and then greedily invest this hard work in the hopes of making even more mon ey.The bankers and stockbrokers are managing each(prenominal) of these large financial houses and have few legal or moral constraints placed on them. In a global economy all of the financial houses are placed very closely together and interconnected to each other through a very sophisticated set of phones and computers. The bankers and stockbrokers use this elaborate communication mechanism the trade heat back and ahead as needed, with little regard to the potential negative effects it could have on the basement investors.This scenario plant life reasonably well as long as the fireplace is in good working order of battle and there is a need for heat. Each investor in the basement happily places logs in the financial fireplace with little regard to the negative consequences hat could occur. I refer to these negative consequences as the fine bring out that is included with all investments the akin fine print that many investors never read because it is simply in any case compli cated to understand.The problems fanny arise if the financial fireplace becomes damaged, if the fire in this fireplace becomes withal hot, or if the outside sparing climate changes and the heat of the fire is no longer needed. If the fireplace becomes damaged because the fire was too hot and had too many investors, the resulting damage could burn down the entire financial house. This clarion cause every house in the financial inhabithood to also burn down because all of the houses are placed so closely together in a global setting.Publics attitudes reflect their frugal reality and the global downturn that started after 2007 has had a profound impact on many countries economies. one-year growth rates have slowed over recent years in most nations surveyed. This slowdown has been specially severe in the advanced economies, which had a median annual growth rate of 3. 5% in 2007 but except 1. 4% in 2012. Growth has also declined in the developing economies (median of 6. 8% to 3. %) and the emerging markets (median of 6. 3% to 3. 9%). Now placed closely together and are reliant on each other. Theater is cold and heat is needed from the fireplace, but when the weather warms and the need for heat slows down very closely they were Many hardworking people at the lower levels are the low level investors are similar to people who are throwing logs into a fireplace in the hopes of achieving Advancements in applied science, evolutions in the complexity in which money and liquid capital are bought, sold, and exchanged on the international market, and the ever increasing rules and regulations that find he national and international financial markets are all factors that are frightening and alarming.In 2003 Rabbi Benjamin belching wrote about greed in his book, winning Stock a Spiritual Guide to Rising to a higher place Lifes Financial Ups and Downs the following Greed will always leave you dissatisfied because youll never be qualified to get everything you des ire. Greed never allows you to think you have enough it always destroys you by making you get hold of ever harder for more. I believe it is this overwhelming desire of greed that leads many people to undertake outlaw(a) and moral conduct which eventually lead to immoral and depraved behaviors.During Mandibles time, performing vice and illicit behaviors were express by the constraints of technology, limited access to financial markets, and by rudimentary forms of transportation. Banking and economic systems were definitely much more restricted than they are in forthwiths global economy. Insatiability and greed which lead to vice are the same today as they have been throughout human history however the method and means used to actually implement this greed and vice has changed immensely since Mandibles time.Technology has advanced at an unheralded pace in Just the last one hundred years alone. With the development of the world- wide internet, advanced satellites and global positio ning systems financial transactions and business relations are able to be performed on a more wide-spread scale, much faster than ever before. It is by increasing the ease and speed with which global financial transactions occur that societal problems can arise.Modern- day financial managers and bankers can buy and sell currency and trade stocks and bonds quickly, use only the touch key of a computer. This rapid advancement in genealogy coupled with interconnected global financial and economic markets makes all the businessmen and bankers from the different countries throughout the world much more interdependent on each other than in Mandibles time. Madeleine, who was born in 1670 and died in 1733, probably never envisioned how easy it would be to be corrupt and perform vice on such a grand scale.Vice involving financial matters is now able to be completed much easier and faster than in the last(prenominal) and, since it is done on a much more wide-spread scale, it has the potenti al to more negatively affect all members of society. Subsequently our current global economy and financial markets are much more inter-connected and since vice is able to now be completed on a much larger scale than ever before, the chances of economic and fiscal collapse are also much greater than in Mandibles time.In The Grumbling Hive Or Knaves Turned Honest Madeleine writes, Thus every part was full of vice, save the whole mass a paradise Flattered in peace and feared in wars, They were the esteem of foreigners, And full of their wealth and lives, The balance of all other hives. Such were the blessings of that state Their crimes conspired to cake them great And virtue, who from politics Had learned a thousand cunning tricks, Was, by their happy influence, Made friends with vice and ever since, The worst of all the inner circle Did something for the common good.Even though Madeleine writes every part was full of vice, the society was a paradise that was honored by their forei gn neighbors and they were prize for the lavish and wealthy lives they led. He writes that the tricks to harnessing this vice were learned from politics and distinctly shows that, even though every level of society was filled with ice, that there are good consequences that came from this vice. This is in stark contrast to the current political situation in the United States. Publics attitudes of 6. 3% to 3. 9%).It produced blessings on the state and promoted more lavish lives for every member of society. Through the producing of public benefits that , ultimately leading to good. It is through this idea that vices are respectable that has . Once the bees become He promotes the idea, that vice essentially is the lubrication that aids the society to operate more smoothly and help produce public benefits, ultimately leading to good. More specifically, although the actual vice is not good, the benefit to society is that by employing vice, good is ultimately produced. Reports that in society that vice is universal to a society and that every someone in a social order has their own vices. Madeleine suggests that these vices, which represent each persons evil and moral failings, ultimately aid the society by are found in each person of society writes Madeleine. He writes the following As sharper, parasites, pimps, players, Pickpockets, coiners, quacks, soothsayers, And all those that in enmity With downright irking, cunningly diversify to their own use the labor Of their good-natured heedless neighbor.These were called knaves, but bar the name, The grave industrious were the same Essentially Madeleine is suggesting that there is no difference between the desires and actions of the lowest members of society and those of their good-natured heedless neighbor by writing The grave industrious were the same. Every level of society is afflicted by vice, sin, and depravity and Madeleine expands on this idea by his writing shown in the following lines, All reads and pla ces knew some have sex No calling was without feigning. In other words, the attorneys, physicians, soldiers, and those in the ministry were the same as the pickpockets, coiners, quacks, and soothsayers and No calling was without deceit writes Madeleine. He promotes the idea, that vice essentially is the lubrication that aids the society to operate more smoothly and help produce public benefits, ultimately leading to good. More specifically, although the actual vice is not good, the benefit to society is that by employing vice, good is ultimately produced.He mutinous by writing Thus every part was full of vice, Yet the whole mass a paradise Flattered in peace and feared in wars, They were the esteem of foreigners, And lavish of their wealth and lives, The balance of all other hives. Such were the blessings of that state Their crimes conspired to make them great And virtue, who from politics Had learned a thousand cunning tricks, Was, by their happy influence, Made friends with vice and ever since, The worst of all the multitude Did something for the common good.Even though Madeleine writes every part was full of vice, the society was a paradise that was esteemed by their foreign neighbors and they were admired for the lavish and wealthy lives they led. He writes that the tricks to harnessing this vice were learned from politics and clearly shows that, even though every level of society was filled with vice, that there are good consequences that came from this vice. It produced blessings on the state and promoted more lavish lives for every member of society.Madeleine, B. (1705). The Grumbling Hive or Knaves Turned Honest. It is also interesting to me when Madeleine wrote, So Vice is beneficial found, 425 When its by Justice illegal. , and bound His meaning that vice has to be turn outd and placed under the control of Justice to be beneficial made me wonder whether or not Mandibles ideas would still apply in todays more technologically advanced and interconne cted global society.I began to think that the more technologically advanced a society becomes and also the more global and intertwined different economies become, that this increased technology and growing global capacity allow vice and greed to be committed on a much more grand scale. Specifically, it could be argued that when modern day embers of political parties, bankers, stock brokers, and heads of state are involved in wide spread vice or greed, that this will ultimately be detrimental and harm society as a whole because modern day global greed is too broad and advanced to be reined in by Justice.A recent example of this occurred with the 2008 United States supreme owe crisis and the subsequent recession that this interruption in the flow of credit caused to businesses and customers on a oecumenical scale. These events coupled with the real estate bubble and preceding crashing of the real estate arrest in 2006 were caused largely in part due to greed, vice, and corruption of bankers, politicians, stock brokers, etc. On a grand and global scale.Trillions of dollars were muzzy in deflated home prices and in retirement accounts by almost all members of society worldwide and very few, if any member or members of any of these political parties or banking institutions have ever been enwrapped or brought to public trial. Certainly, it could be argued in this instance that global society as a whole did not benefit from the vice and greed of a much smaller number of bankers and politicians.I think it can also be correctly argued that the majority of people throughout the world are presently, in many ways, worse off due to increased debt levels, higher unemployment rates, and generally more stagnant economies, due in part to the excessive greed and vice of this smaller minority. I wonder what Mandibles thoughts would be regarding trying to prune this vine once it has grown to be large and magnificent on a much more global scale than he probably ever envisioned ? Sources o Rabbi Benjamin Belch, American academic and writer. Taking Stock A Spiritual Guide to Rising Above Lifes Financial Ups and Downs (2003).

Sunday, May 19, 2019

A Remake Play of Oedipus Essay

Oedipus Rex has of all time been one of the or so intriguing and interesting plays that William Shakespeare has ever written. By combining a tragic with complex plots, the legendary playwright was able to establish himself as a classic poet known for psychological tragedies. A modern chance variable of Shakespeares plays always produces an equally intriguing curiosity from contemporary audiences. Setting and Milieu If given a chance to produce a remake of this play, I would prefer transforming this play to a modern one. This regularity would provide the audiences a much convenient way of absorbing the message of the story.By means of apply the return and habitually used language, audiences can easily relate with the events pertaining to the story of Oedipus. The lyrical and archaic lines would own to be dropped to achieve modernity and represent a younger generation. It would be set in present New York where the busiest streets and cities can be found. Characterization Since this is a modern remake of the original Oedipus Rex, King Laius and sissy Jocasta would be an overly superstitious couple who reigns in the city of New York as the states richest business tycoons.It is still the same plot, though. Fortune-tellers warned of a son who would later murder his father and marry his mother. A high school teacher who saw him abandoned in the woods near the school would call on the carpet Oedipus. He would grow up as an educated man who fights for what he believes is right. All of the original characters would be transformed into other characters which can represent the present time and eliminate the Shakespearean era of the story. It would be entirely based on modern events. Props and ProstheticsClearly, the characters would be using casual clothing which is common to what they represent. The character of Oedipus is most likely to wear plain and casual clothes while Laius and Jocasta are more than fitting to wear highly corporate attires. Masks are defin itely out of the picture and the facial expressions and gestures would solo rely on the actors skills in acting. Stage props include various equipment and tools which are necessary to the desktop of each scene. It would include materials which can produce a picture of living room, streets, bedroom, and other equipment necessary.Conclusion innovational versions are not always as successful as the original. However, creating a contemporary remake of something actually classic is always convenient for audiences who seek to understand more about a specific classic. terminology and differences in poetry interpretation are always a major hindrance in achieving the first message of a certain literature but if a person wants to understand the deeper meaning of that classic, it is always productive to turn into modern remakes. They give easy-to-understand insights which are simplified versions of the originals.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Disadvantages of arranged marriage Essay

DISADVANTAGES OF ARRANGED MARRIAGES. The principal(prenominal) disadvantage of Arranged marriages in Hinduism (especially in India) is the dowry system. It has been said that the dowry system has been completely eradicated from the favorable views around the country, but it doesnt seem like it. The dowry system basically is a view where the girls family pays enormous amounts on money or gives other expensive things such as gold, cars etc. to the raiments family, just because they are on the superior side of the family relationship. Arranged marriages may sometimes try a hard station of choosing the right partner. This occurs when there is a lot of pressure on the unmarried individual from the family members. This sometimes leads the individual to rethink about arranged marriages. The couple might experience leave out of privacy in their relationship due to the family closeness and interference by other relatives. It calls for an awkward situation if the couple is in an argu ment, and hence the entire family/ families might suck up involved even if they dont tend to.Once a couple chosen through arranged system of marriage stick to married, family future, financial planning and other relative tasks take the first priority. Hence the main feeling of dearest between the couple ends up being the second thing in the relationship. Even though we discussed in the advantages that the in-laws support the couples during their wedded life, sometimes feelings of ego and jealousy drive the other memebers of the family to sour up the relationship between the couple. This take a huge toll on the couple as they get caught up in the family and in-law dispute. Therefore in some cases it ends up breaking the relationship between twain individuals. (Lack of faith). Couples must remember that they have chosen their partners by their will and they dont need to get carried away by the ill thoughts of the other family members as they have a future to look fore to. Another disadvantage is when the boys family turns down a girl just because she might be average in appearance, even though she is decent, respects her elders and knows how to stand along with her future partner in sorts of situations that he or his family might face. An arranged marriage might also result in family feuds if it was a forced one. Either one of the partners might have chosen someone else as their future partner.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Assessment and Discuss the Roles of the Clinical Interview

Learning Objectives 1. Define clinical assessment and discuss the roles of the clinical interview, tests, and observations. clinical assessment is an evaluation of a patients physical condition and prognosis based on discipline garner from physical and laboratory examinations and the patients medical history. Clinical interview is a face to face encounter meeting. Tests are devices for gathering information about a few aspects of a persons psychological functioning, from which broader information about the person can be inferred.Observations clinicians systematically observe their clients behavior. Naturalistic observation clinicians observe their clients in their everyday client. Analog observation clinicians observe their clients in an artificial setting, such as a clinical office or laboratory. Self monitoring clients are instructed to observe themselves. 2. Summarize the axis approach of the DSM serial publication and describe the general features of DSM-IV-TR. The DSM-IV-TR, lists approximately 400 disorders.It requires clinicians to evaluate a clients condition on five separate axes. 3. List the major classification of disorders from Axis I of the DSM-IV-TR. Axis I major depressive disorder such as anxiety disorders and mood disorders. 4. Discuss the dangers of diagnosing and labeling in classifying mental disorders. Clinicians willing not always arrive at the correct conclusion. Another problem related to diagnosis is the loss that labels arouse, which may be damaging to the person who is diagnosed. . Discuss types and effectiveness of word s for mental disorders. therapist treatment plans typically reflect their theoretical orientations and how they have learned to conduct therapy. Current research may play a role. Evidenced based treatment or empirically supported. Determining the effectiveness of the treatment is difficult because therapist differ in their ways of defining and measuring success.